Labor Force Situation in Yogyakarta Municipality, August 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Yogyakarta Municipality

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Labor Force Situation in Yogyakarta Municipality, August 2023

Catalog Number : 2303004.3471
Publication Number : 34710.24007
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : July 1, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 14.78 MB


This publication contains information of the labor force situation in Yogyakarta municipality in the second semester of 2023. The data presented is sourced from National Labor Force Survey (NLFS) which was conducted in all provinces of Indonesia in August 2023. The National Labor Force Survey August 2023 provide estimation down to regency/municipality level.To maintain good data series, most of the tables presented in this publication are described by sex (male and female) and cover the population aged 15 years and over. Besides, this publication is also supplemented with labour force data series for 2021-2023 and executive summary of labour force in Yogyakarta municipality.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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